Understanding your Human Design
Hello, my lovelies. It is about 1 am on a Sunday. I went to bed fairly early on Saturday after having a few cocktails and dinner and when the hubs came to bed fairly late, he woke me up, and now I cannot fall back asleep.
So, what do I do? Write down all my thoughts that are jumbling around in the noggin.
I have been listening to a wellness podcast lately and she has been talking about human design and astrological charts. I have always been interested in astrology but never heard of human design. Have you heard of it?
Human design is your personal map that lets you explore your inner self, helping you better understand your strengths and weaknesses so you can live a fulfilled life. There are a couple different websites where you can get your chart for free.
Reading it and understanding what it is saying is another thing. I am still trying to understand mine, but in true Virgo fashion when interested in something it's go all in. I'll cover astrological charts in another post but for my human design, I am a manifesting generator.
A manifesting generator is a builder. They are go, go, go and thrive on being actively productive. They can multitask making them extremely efficient, which they pride themselves on. They have an extreme dedication to what they choose to undertake, and they are creative by nature.
They have a defined solar plexus aka gut feelings they should listen to. Their sacral centers regenerate during sleep but need to be fully exhausted to sleep. Well, that makes a shit ton of sense! No wonder I take forever to fall asleep all the time. It is suggested to unwind before bed so you can get a restful night's sleep.
With this information, I can now find ways to unwind to improve my sleep. Time to implement some reading or yoga before bed to see if it works. I will keep you updated.
As a manifesting generator, you tend to absorb others' projections leaving you susceptible to pain. This comes from your sensitive and receptive aura. By knowing this you can filter those projections by surrounding yourself with positive energy to filter out those projections.
So, with all this information, I can truly understand my purpose to live a more fulfilling life. Looking inward this all makes sense to me. If I am not interested in something I don't want to partake as I feel it is a waste of energy. With that being said I do go golfing with my husband even though I do not care to golf. I like the time we spend together while he golfs.
When I am interested in something I dive right in and learn as much as I can about it. I find purpose in being productive. This truly resonates with me and brings me clarity in understanding my true self.
Now that I have unwound and am exhausted off to bed!
I want to know. What do you think?