TWB Talk
I have been crazy tired lately. I mean I could take a nap every day or be tired in bed by 6 pm every day. I have been trying to listen to my body and give it the rest it is asking for but I have so much to do that sometimes I need to just push through. Getting up in the mornings has become increasingly difficult. I have been hitting the snooze button more and more. I am still trying to not get on electronics right away in the mornings and focus on my meditation and waking up.
I am wondering if it is actually working. What I mean by that is several specialists and articles say that you are more productive and have more energy during the day if you do not get on electronics right away in the mornings. So do I continue to be sick with this new routine or fall back into my old habits?
I am also struggling with going to bed for the night so early as I am concerned that I will mess up my circadian rhythm and want to be in bed before dinner time and up way before sunrise. Which will not be healthy for me either. The questions as to which direction I should go are causing frustration and stress.
I forced myself to stay up rather late, for me anyway. 10 pm. I had to take my son to the movies with his friend and decided to watch the movie with them instead of reading.
Why don’t movie theaters have healthy snack options? That is a whole other post in itself, but anyway. As I was sitting in the theater watching the movie, which was very good by the way, I was struggling to stay awake. I made it through and when we got home immediately crashed once my head hit the pillow.
I then woke up at 4:45 because I am so excited about my husband's possible new endeavor at work. I had to get out of bed to wish him luck and give him good vibes for the day before he left the house.
As I sat on the patio enjoying my matcha and updating my socials with some posts, which I am horrible at. If you follow me on socials, I apologize for the inconsistency with them. I am not the type of person with their phone at all times. I like to be present in what I am doing. So yes I take pictures of what I am cooking or doing but then forget to share. I am working on finding a better balance with it. Back to the sleep issue.
I do not know for sure if this will help or set me back but it was worth the less sleep. I got to spend time with my child listening to his exchange with his friend and being in complete bliss from the way they share a connection.
It brings me such joy to see my children find a person that understands them and they can connect. When they tried to find shapes in the clouds my mouth couldn’t help but smile reminiscing about doing the same as a child. Their laughter made me laugh. Their joy filled me with joy. Their energy filled me with energy.
Maybe that is what I was missing. Maybe I needed to take a break from my responsibilities and refill my cup. Where this will lead is unknown. All I do know is I am filled with so much positivity that I needed to share. As I write this all out on my phone because the boys created a fort to sleep in and my computer is trapped behind their fort. And of course, I didn’t want to wake them. I am sure they stayed up way later than I did. I know this one was a rambler, but if you made it this far thank you!
The Wellness Blondie
I want to know, what do you think?