4 ways to smoother holidays
Christmas is my favorite holiday. But things start out with excitement and happiness and before you know it the tides have turned and the stress can become crippling. Between the baking, decorating, concerts, parties, gift-getting, wrapping, stashing, etc. you can easily get overwhelmed.
These 5 tips to make the holiday season smoother came from my sister and I one year when we were both feeling very overwhelmed by it all. We put our noggins together and came up with ideas on how to help each other to make things easier and more enjoyable. Then we implemented them into practice to test them out and the results are astronomical!
When we started this 5 years ago our kids were between the ages of 5-13. (note: our kids were told from the beginning that the gifts they get at extended family’s homes are from those people, Santa only comes to our house with their gifts from him.) For these ages they were mostly capable of helping with some of these tips, others we helped them complete.
1. Create Amazon Lists
We started this several years back with our kids, nieces, and nephews. Instead of them writing out a paper list for extended family members they build a list of what they want on Amazon and then we share that list with everyone in just a couple of clicks. This is helpful in getting them exactly what they are asking for and not having to go to several different stores to try to find it. Plus the kids do not have to write several different lists so each family member doesn’t get what another did or the family members have to find out what others got so they do not buy the same thing. (it has happened before)
My husband and I do the same and share it with each other. In the past, I bought all the gifts for everyone including myself. Knowing what I was getting well before the big day was not as glamorous as some may think. My husband likes having a list to go through to get something I will enjoy and still be surprised as to what I am getting.
2. Add a few groceries each week to cut down on one major purchase
Grabbing a few items each week a month or two before the big day can help eliminate that one large grocery bill right before the big day. No, you are not spending less, it is just spread out between several weeks to not hit your pocketbook all at once. This is beneficial for those that are being hit hard by the recent spike in prices. It is easier to spend an extra $5-$10 on each grocery bill than $200 all at once.
I start at the beginning of November adding a few things each week to my grocery list. I start with dry and canned goods such as crackers, nuts, olives, flour, sugar, etc. As I get closer to December I start getting my cheeses and meats for my Charcuterie board and storing them in the freezer. (note: thaw them in the fridge a day before assembly to avoid crumbling of specialty cheeses)
If you do not have the space or feel comfortable freezing supplies you can set aside that $5-$10 each week starting at the beginning of November so you have the funds for that large grocery run right before the big day. I no longer do this as I found that when I waited till right before the big day I didn’t always find the ingredients I needed for certain recipes I wanted to make and had to completely rearrange my plans.
3. Participate in a cookie swap
Participating in a cookie swap either with friends or family will cut down on the variety of cookies you need to make. Each person gets a dozen cookies of each variety. For example, you and 4 friends partake in a cookie swap. You would make 5 dozen oatmeal cookies. The 4 other people make 5 dozen different cookies so you each have a total of 5 dozen cookies of 5 varieties.
When doing this with family members you can do it the same way. The only twist we put in this is we all prep the dough and pick a day for all of us to get together with the kids to bake all the cookies. The kids get to participate in all the cookie-making and decorating fun while you get to watch over and socialize with each other. This twist can be done with friends as well.
4. Order gifts and have them delivered
Ordering gifts has become way more common these days. The benefits are not having to stand in lines, not having to get up at the butt crack of dawn, not having to go to 6 different stores and time-saving. (Note: The boxes the items are shipped in can be used to wrap gifts) When placing those orders several sites offer gift wrapping as well.
Whether they are gift-wrapped or not being able to stash them away till the big day is easier. Especially if you are a regular online purchaser, just stash them with all the regular boxes that show up weekly. For the items that are not gift-wrapped, have your partner or a babysitter take the kids out for an evening so you can pour your favorite cocktail and get to wrapping.
The Verdict
The holidays can be a whirlwind of stress and chaos, but they don't have to be. With a little planning and intention, you can transform the season into one full of meaning, connection, and joy. Our family has discovered a few simple ways to cut through the frenzy and focus on what truly matters.
Baking and decorating cookies together has become our new favorite tradition. Laughing in the kitchen, covered in sprinkles and frosting, we deepen our bonds across generations. The time once spent rushing to buy gifts is now cherished time spent in each other's presence.
Our holiday season now flows with purpose and presence. The little changes have created more room for happiness to swell in our hearts and spill over. The joy is contagious, inspiring those around us.
When you simplify the season and come together in love, anything is possible. The magic and wonder of the holidays awaits!
~ Tina