The way you perceive things is not always the truth
The other day at work I felt very attacked from multiple angles. I had just gotten back from my vacation and was catching up on things. As I was going through emails and taking care of things I found several emails from managers in other departments on how I needed to join them for a meeting to discuss certain processes for that specific department.
I was really confused as to why I even received these emails. I was out of the office for a week. So did my coverage do something different than I have been doing and they needed to talk about it? Did I do something wrong?
As a Virgo, I am very critical of myself and have a huge sense of perfectionism. Which can be a good thing but also a bad thing. Some find me nit-picky or over-critical.
I had this need to email them asking for clarification as to why we needed to have these meetings so I could prepare myself. This comes from a need to have control over my emotions. When I am bombarded or confronted with something I need time to process what they are saying and reflect before responding.
I learned this in therapy as I have a tendency to lash out from hurt or anger. In the past when my husband and I would get into a disagreement about something it would escalate from his wanting for me to respond right then and there and I could not come up with the appropriate words to express how I was feeling without just lashing back out of hurt.
I communicated to him that when we disagree on something or he needs to talk to me about something he is hurting from, I need time to process everything to respond healthily and productively.
So as I am reeling with emotion and worry at work it escalated out of control. I could not ground myself, calm down, and reflect. I didn't even have all the information so I was just coming up with possible scenarios in my own mind.
After several hours of stressing and being emotional about the unknown, it was finally time to head home. After getting home taking several deep breaths, letting out a mild scream in the car to release all that built-up energy, and finding a comfortable place to sit and reflect I told myself this is so much wasted energy for the unknown.
You do not even know what you did or didn't do. Calm your tits girlfriend and just listen to what they have to say at the meetings. After hearing what the issue is then reflect on what you may need to change or explain why you are doing it that way. Come to a resolution with them so you are not so stressed and they aren't frustrated with you.
Sometimes we have a tendency to get stuck in our own thoughts and perceptions of things when that is not what is actually happening. The way you perceive things can really change your way of thinking, your energy, your emotions, and your whole chakras.
You are allowed to be upset, hurt, or emotional about things. I saw a tik-tok the other day and they were talking about people bitching about work. The guy said we take 5 minutes every day to get all the bitching out and then it is done. Do not waste all your energy by inviting so much negativity in. When you shift your perceptions to a positive mindset you feel so much better daily.
As I reflect on my response the other day, I feel disgusted and disappointed in myself for letting so much negative energy in. All that negativity gave me a headache, I had trouble sleeping, trouble getting up the next day, and felt completely drained the entire following day.
I sure missed the release I get from writing these out. Taking a week off was great but this is so therapeutic to me to share this with you guys. This feels like a public journal that will let others know they are not alone. I hope this builds a community where you feel safe and heard.
The Wellness Blondie
I want to know. What do you think?