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How to achieve Colon health

Are you going regularly? Well, you should. I have struggled for years with constipation. I thought it was normal to go days without a bowel movement. I just assumed that everybody was different, and you went when you went. I was wrong, so wrong.

I remember the first time I did a colon cleanse. I was so backed up I was having pain, cramping, bloated, and felt like I had to go but nothing would come out. I was sharing this with a coworker at the time and they suggested I take some laxatives, do a suppository or do a colon cleanse.

Well, I was not keen on shoving something up my butt and wanted close to immediate relief. As we all do. We are always looking for those quick fixes. So, I opted for the laxative. I followed the directions and took it as suggested. Well after taking several doses as suggested if you do not start producing movements, I was expelling everything.

The laxatives were finally working, but I was in even more pain. I was stuck on the toilet. Could not trust a fart. Was completely mortified that my husband would hear me. You know the beginning of every relationship we are so worried about what is something that is completely natural will disgust the other, so we try to hide it.

After 24 hours everything was out. I was completely drained from the work my body had gone through to do so from all the laxatives I took. I did not like the way that my body handled them and did not want to do that AGAIN. The benefits were worth it though. The bloat was gone, I was down a couples of pounds, the pain and discomfort were gone, and I felt good.

That feeling did not last long. I was still not going regularly and began backing up again. I knew I did not want to do laxatives again and was still not comfortable with doing a suppository, so I started looking for natural cleansing options.

As I began my research into regular bowel movements. The first thing that almost every website, page, blog, book or Dr. suggested was more water. If you do not have enough water intake your intestines cannot pull it into them to bulk up your stool and pass it. So, first increase your water intake. Add some lemon or lime to it. Start your day with a cup of room temperature water and end your day with a cup. Also get in lots throughout the day, whether it is unflavored or naturally flavored water or decaf or caffeinated tea.

I also found that Magnesium is a natural laxative along with other health benefits such as brain health, menstrual symptoms, sleep and the list go on. Just look it up you will see how beneficial it is. So, I went to the store and grabbed some magnesium. It worked. I was sleeping better. I started going regularly. My bloat was only existent during my menstruation. It didn't give me cramps, pain, and did not cause any explosive episodes in the bathroom. I had found the holy grail.

I have been taking magnesium every evening for 10 years now. If anyone suggests they do not have regular bowel movements, I immediately tell them about magnesium. You do need to make sure you get the right type of magnesium to produce regular bowel movements. Pick one that is citrate, sulfate, or oxide. These formulas are gentle on your intestines and absorb better, causing your stool to bulk up and pass smoothly.

If you read Where it all started, then you know that I developed gut issues from all the different diets and restrictive eating that I did. If you didn't read it yet head on over and read for yourself. The more research I did over the years pointed me towards a higher fiber diet. I pinned recipes and ideas like crazy on Pinterest to implement and try. If you want some of those ideas for yourself head on over to The Wellness Blondie on Pinterest for a look.

When I began eating a high fiber, whole food, plant-based lifestyle my movements began to change. I was still going everyday but I was not expelling everything. So, I was slowly backing up again. If you have ever had constipation, you know the pain. I upped my water intake to ensure that I was getting enough for my intestines to pull out to pass that shit.

I began doing some research on herbs to help with bowel movements. There are a ton. Wow was that overwhelming to say the least. I was not in the mood to buy all these herbs try a million different mixtures that would take a ton of time to find out which one would be the best. Quite frankly I did not want to put in that much work. I was being lazy and wanted someone else to do it for me.

After going to my local health food store and chatting it up with them they gave me a couple suggestions to try. I selected Colon Clenz by Body Gold. It has 9 herbs: Cascara Sagrada, Senna, Chinese rhubarb, black walnut, aloe vera, Oregon grape, yellow dock, Valerian, Slippery elm; probiotics: Bacillus coagulans; and 2 supplements: potassium and magnesium.

The herb mixture with the probiotic and supplements are working great so far. I am having regular bowel movements that are expelling everything without any pain or discomfort. If you are having any issues with your bowels, consider adding in these micro changes to improve your digestive health.

To help you out here is the list of micro changes for macro benefits to colon health.


The Wellness Blondie

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