Here’s the best way to promote vaginal health.
I have been seeing a ton of posts on social media about smelling down there and then the advice that is being given is crazy. So, I did a deep dive into all the suggestions to weed out the junk and get real answers. The false claims are so hurtful to people and can cause serious issues. This is not something I m about or want to promote. I would not want the information that I follow to cause more issues.
What are the things we should not be doing?
- Inserting anything scented
o Fragrance is a toxin. Read more on that here. Inserting anything scented up there will cause an imbalance and inflammatory response.
- Vaginal steaming
o Vaginal steaming does nothing other than create more moisture. The herbs or essential oils can irritate the vulva or vagina. The steam can also cause burns, kill off good bacteria, and cause infections.
- Deodorant
o All those so-called “clean” nether region deodorants are filled with ingredients that can cause inflammatory responses. This also promotes shame around vaginas.
- Lotions in the vulva or vagina
o I cannot express how frustrating this one is. Those promoting putting lotions in the vagina or vulva are absolutely ridiculous. This practice kills good bacteria and can cause cancer. DO NOT PRACTICE THIS!!
The vagina and vulva have a certain balance of bacteria to promote optimal pH balance. Using anything that will throw off that balance can promote bad bacteria to grow resulting in yeast or bacterial infections. The vagina is self-cleaning, you do NOT need to insert anything up there to clean it.
Why do my lady bits smell?
First, every nether region has a smell. Not all smells are something to be concerned about. The natural bacterial flora in the vagina is like gut flora. It regulates itself when we feed it properly. If it is itching and/or burning or smells fishy or like rotting meat, this is not normal and should be checked out by a professional.
The pH balance is off. This can be caused by diet, clothing, exercise, feminine care products, or improper care.
How diet plays a role in vaginal health
High-inflammatory foods can kill off good bacteria. This causes an imbalance leading to yeast or bacterial infections. Limit the sugar, dairy, and gluten to reduce inflammatory responses. Eating a whole real food diet is the best way to keep the vagina healthy.
Non-organic meats contain xenoestrogens which are synthetic hormones causing imbalances. This synthetic hormone hangs out in fat cells building up toxins that have been linked to breast, prostate, and testicular cancers, infertility, endometriosis, obesity, and diabetes. Avoiding these toxins will not only promote vaginal health but whole body health.
Inflammatory foods are processed foods, starchy vegetables, sugar/sodas/sweeteners, seed oils, gluten, and non-organic dairy. Switching to an organic whole real food diet will eliminate these inflammatory foods. Consuming probiotics such as kimchi, yogurt, sauerkraut, and pickles are a great way to promote a healthy pH. Hydration is just as important as the foods consumed. Grab those high-fiber, organic, non-starchy whole real foods and your vagina and body will thank you.
Other ways to promote vaginal health
Avoid lubricants that contain glycerin, petroleum, parabens, scents, flavors, unnatural oils, dyes, and spermicides. All these ingredients disrupt the pH balance promoting those yeast or bacterial infections.
Clean all sex toys with hot water after each use. Do not use soap as this can break down the materials used in those toys.
Urinate after sex to expel any bacteria that could have gotten into the urethra during sex.
Avoid scented feminine care products, tampons, pads, liners, washes, and wipes.
Avoid wearing tight clothing regularly. Wear cotton undergarments. Remove any damp clothing as soon as possible after exercise, swimming, or depending on the climate.
Let her breathe!!! Not wearing undergarments while sleeping keeps moisture down and promotes a healthy pH.
If you are someone that has excess moisture down there a great option to combat it is cornstarch. Cornstarch is great at absorbing odors and moisture. Apply on the outside of the groin area only, never inside.
Switch to a natural laundry detergent. The toxins in those scented detergents and harsh chemicals that are rubbing up on the lady bits every day all day long can cause irritation, throw off pH, and lead to infections.
Eliminate the shame
Most of us smell ourselves more than others smell us. Get out of your head and think that you are a freak of nature and that everyone can smell you. They most likely are not smelling you. Every vagina has some smell and is completely natural. Smelling like coconuts and flowers down there is not normal.
Do not buy into the media that is promoting scented feminine care products to rid that odor. This is so problematic and creates more shame that is not needed.
When you are supporting your body to do its amazing job through diet and removal of toxins it will perform at its optimal performance.
If you are finding this helpful if you could take a moment to share it on social media it would be greatly appreciated. This is the best way to spread the word and get more people healing.
~ Tina