3 tools to acheive Healthy Habits
As we roll into the new year and begin to think of those New Years' resolutions I want to share my top 3 things that will make you successful in making healthy choices.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
What is Cognitive behavioral therapy? CBT is a form of psychological treatment to rewire the brains thinking. This method can help with depression, anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorders, and severe mental illness. With the help of a professional, those unhelpful ways of thinking and unhelpful behaviors are reevaluated. This practice will teach you ways to notice those unhealthy actions and thoughts, understand the why behind those thoughts and behaviors, and help you to create problem-solving coping skills and better confidence.
This practice has been a tremendous game-changer for me. My negative self-talk and unhealthy coping behaviors have changed dramatically since starting this. The development of healthy coping skills has curbed my restrictions on foods. For example, if I get a craving for something sweet I have a small amount instead of denying myself. The moderate amount is not going to throw me off track to being healthy. Also since I am no longer restricting myself I do not have the swirling thoughts around food till I give in and overindulge.
Work with a professional to find the source of your problem so you can work through it to develop healthy practices. Therapists can be found online and in person these days. I personally like TalkSpace because of the ability to talk, text, or video chat as options for therapy. I prefer texting for the majority of therapy because when I am feeling a certain way I can text my therapist and within a couple hours have a coping skill or different way of thinking instead of trying to remember everything that triggered me throughout the week and trying to discuss it all in on 30-60 minute session.
Meal prepping
Meal prepping has been a tremendous help with fueling my body and my family with nourishing foods. Having meals prepped and ready to cook or just heat up ensures I eat even when my depression/anxiety flares up. Fresh cut-up fruits and vegetables are a great go-to snack when we are needing something small.
Planning out your meals for the week will cut down on food waste. Doing all the prep work at the beginning of your week will cut down on cooking times for those busy weeknights. Having healthy options for snacking and busy days will help you make better choices.
Depending on your children's ages they can be a helper in this process and learn some amazing life skills. This practice shows my children that when you put in a couple hours at the beginning of the week, grabbing something when you are on the go is easy. This has been a help to them when they forget to pack their lunch the night before and are rushing around trying to grab everything they need for school. The same can be said for those last-minute outings.
If you are not a person that has very many skills in the kitchen there are things you can do. With the array of meal delivery services out there these days you are sure to find one that is healthy, delicious, and within your budget. Starting with a meal delivery service that gives you the recipe directions and everything prepped for you can be a huge help to learning how to create your own meals.
Another great way to get encouraged about meal prepping is to get those cute food storage containers. When you have things to properly store those nutritious meals you will want to use them. You do not have to do this but if you like those aesthetic videos and pictures of super organized fridges this can be motivational to you.
Support system
My husband and children have been my main support system for me. My husband will cook on the days that I do not want to. He gently nudges me to make good choices, he never criticizes me for the choices I do make, and he encourages me to take care of myself. Whether that is physical or mental.
I know I have said this a lot this month. This one is so important that I feel the need to reiterate it all month long. Having a good support system will be a highly utilized tool for your recovery process.
Communicating the coping skills and root causes of your unhealthy behaviors with this support system is essential. This will better your chances of recovery. The support system can notice when you may be making unhealthy choices and gently nudge you in the opposite direction. This person or group can help guide you and be a comfort when you require empathy.
A support system will understand and try to help you feel as comfortable as possible. Whether this is in your home or out in public. For example, my support system knows I can no longer eat gluten, so they have adjusted their cooking and/or check the restaurant menu to ensure I can join in on the fun.
Final thoughts
Learning new ways of thinking will increase your chances of success in your recovery process. When you have built healthy coping skills you make better choices. This change in your cognitive behavior will become second nature.
Filling your body with nutritious meals will aid in your physical and mental health. Learning a new skill does take time, but this one will be your best friend. Bringing your support system into meal prepping will help keep you on track.
The support system you surround yourself with can aid or hinder your recovery. Communicating your feelings and why you need them will show you who you can count on. As hard as it may be if you find there is someone within your support system holding you back you might have to distance yourself from them.
Remember recovery from any disorder takes time. Be patient with yourself. Create reminders that you see daily of those positive thoughts. Do not restrict yourself from something unless it is absolutely necessary for your recovery. Lean on that support system.
2023 is going to be the best year yet! We got this in the bag. Cheers to the New Year filled with new thinking, new meals, and new relationships!
~ Tina